Is it time for a new wheelchair?
There are a number of factors that may indicate it’s time to get a new wheelchair or see about some wheelchair modifications. These factors include any new pain or discomfort, legs or back touching wheelchair frame, leaning in the chair or any recent change in condition.
If you have any new pain or discomfort, it may be due to your cushion reaching its life span or not repositioning yourself as frequent as you need to (it’s recommended every 1-2 hours to change positions or relieve pressure). Legs or back touching the wheelchair frame can be caused by the wheelchair being too small or too large and is usually an easy fix an Occupational Therapist can make. Leaning in the wheelchair is usually caused by decreased trunk and back support due to a loss of muscle mass or strength or it can be caused by pain in the back or trunk. More commonly, a recent change in condition can cause fatigue when self propelling or you may find yourself being more uncomfortable in the wheelchair.
Some easy changes to try would be testing out a new cushion, getting the wheelchair parts cleaned or contacting an Occupational Therapist.
If any of the above sounds familiar for you or a loved one, please feel free to contact Centrex Wheelchair Solutions to see what may be some options.
Centrex Field Notes are articles written or compiled by Centrex Therapists. This article was produced by Nicci Andersen, OTR/L, Director of Wheelchair Solutions.
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